What Does It Mean To Be Social On Social Media?

See on Scoop.itThe Content Marketing Hat

If you’ve read even just a few blog posts on social media marketing for business, you’ve likely heard the expression, “Be Social.” It embodies both a goal and a chastisement for businesses who want

Mike Allton‘s insight:

TO BE (Social) OR NOT TO BE (Social)

In my first published post to LinkedIn, I explore, “Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them.”

In other words, we talk about what it means for businesses to be social on social media, and whether it’s better to just not do it at all.

Please give it a read, and let me know what you think! How do you think businesses should go about being social on social media? Is it worth it?

#SocialMedia #ContentMarketing #Business  

See on www.linkedin.com

Get The Unofficial Book On HootSuite For Father’s Day – On Sale!

See on Scoop.itThe Content Marketing Hat

Why would “The Unofficial Book On HootSuite” make a great Father’s Day gift? Now, before you think this is going to be one of those contrived “Fourth of July Mattress Sale” promotions, stick with me for a moment. This is the kind of gift I would want for Father’s Day, and in fact, my wife and daughter of a short list of similar marketing books that I’d love to dig into this summer.

Mike Allton‘s insight:

Have you picked up your copy of “The Unofficial Book On HootSuite” yet? Because I think it would make a GREAT Father’s Day gift, I’ve put it on sale for the next week only, just $6.99!

Find out where and why below…

See on www.thesocialmediahat.com